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Tips for Foreigners and Expats Buying Property in Australia

Australian real estate for foreign buyers and expats

Australia’s real estate market is highly desirable to foreign buyers; however, buying real estate in a foreign country can be complex, and Australia is no exception.

The most recent statistic is that 66% of households are homeowners, which leaves a third of real estate as rentals.

In addition, most capital cities are experiencing an undersupply of housing units, and prices have never fluctuated more than 20% in one year, making it one of the most stable markets on the planet. If you’re interested in investing in Australia’s booming real estate sector, here are a few recommendations for expats and foreign buyers.

Let’s start with the most challenging – understanding the legal requirements.

Take Care of the Regulations

Familiarise yourself with Australia’s foreign investment regulations, as they can vary depending on the type of property you are interested in. The rules may affect your ability to buy specific properties, such as established homes.


Make sure that you have all the legal issues covered. If you’re an expat or a foreign buyer, then chances are you’ll have to apply with the FIRB before you can invest. After submitting your application, you will usually receive a response within 40 days. However, there are some cases where it can take over 130 days due to particular circumstances.

You’ll be able to do things like exchange contracts while waiting. However, you have to make sure that they are contingent upon approval. If they aren’t, you could be breaching the contract and suffering penalties. You can’t start bidding at auctions since they don’t allow conditional clauses.

However, if you’re purchasing a new-build property, the chances you’ll have to ask for permission will be lower. Your solicitor will tell you whether a piece of property is exempt.


Understand the tax implications of your property investment in Australia, both in Australia and in your home country. Seek advice from tax professionals who can guide you on minimising tax liabilities. Did you know Australia has a Capital Gains Tax on real estate?

Get Professionals On Board

Seek advice from local real estate agents, lawyers, and financial advisors specialising in international transactions. They can provide valuable insights into the Australian market and help you navigate legal and economic considerations.

Maybe you heard of one area, mainly, that was heating up, but unless you have feet on the ground, you can’t feel the pulse of the local real estate market correctly. Instead, it would help if you started with real estate agents and developers who could guide you towards areas with the highest possibility for returns.

Working with developers is also a great way to discover hidden gems. They often have access to prime lots and can guide you through the building process. Make sure you do your due diligence and go for an agency with a pristine history and a reputation for delivering results.


Know Your Numbers

First, you have to ensure a clear budget and plan before you even start thinking about investing in Australia.

Establish a realistic budget that includes the property price and additional costs like taxes, legal fees, and maintenance. Factor in currency exchange rates, as they can affect the overall cost of properties.

Ensuring you have the budget for the type of property you’re looking for is essential. You won’t find an Australian bank that will be ready to give you a loan if you don’t have proof that you can repay it, so make sure you are realistic about what you can afford before you leave.


Explore financing options available to foreign buyers. Some Australian banks offer loans to non-residents, but the terms and conditions may vary. Consult with financial experts to find the best solution for your situation.

If you plan to emigrate to Australia and get a mortgage loan, it would be wise to bring a copy of your credit report and even try calling your bank manager to write a letter for you. This will allow you to facilitate the application process since you’re starting anew and can’t rely on your credit history to get financing.

Most mortgages in Australia are repaid and require proof of income since self-certification loans don’t exist. Therefore, to afford your loan repayments, you’ll need to know if you can afford them and your lifestyle. One way to find out is to assess the cost of living in the city that interests you.

So which city has the higher cost of living? – where you go online to find the top gas and electricity connection providers, say in their research there is a lot of disparity between cities; however, Melbourne and Sydney have a similar cost of living. Utilities are slightly cheaper in Sydney, but rent is a lot higher. Make sure you research living costs to live comfortably and repay your mortgage.

Hot Spots

Understand the local property market, including trends, property values, and potential growth areas. This will help you make informed decisions and identify suitable investment opportunities.

Australia is a vast country with diverse property markets. When choosing a location, consider proximity to amenities, transportation, schools, and employment hubs. Different cities and regions may offer varying investment potentials.

It would be best to understand where to invest in Australia. Significant cities like Perth, Brisbane, Melbourne, and Sydney are seeing the highest rise in real estate prices. They are also experiencing a substantial influx of expats and foreign buyers.

There are also many opportunities in the coastal areas due to the booming tourist industry. Australia is very popular with tourists from around the globe, and owning property on the coast could be a great source of income. And if you’re adventurous, there are some opportunities in rural Australia. But make sure you don’t mistake rural for remote, or you may be in for surprises.

New-Build Property

Going for a new-build property has its fair share of advantages, especially for expats and foreign buyers. They are much less likely to require permission from the government to be purchased. And two, you can rely on a developer’s reputation instead of the previous landowner. Groups like Villa World, for instance, have prime properties all around Brisbane in Australia and have a proven track record that’s easy to verify.


Working with developers is a great way to discover hidden gems. They often have access to prime lots and can guide you through the building process. Make sure you do your due diligence and go for an agency with a pristine history and a reputation for delivering results.

You can always invest in resale homes, but you must also be ready to deal with the red tape. Another option would be to buy and develop a piece of land, but again, you might have to deal with some restrictions. For instance, you’ll have to start construction on the land within twelve months following the purchase. This can be challenging since you’ll have to get permission and find a developer to build it, so be prepared.

Last Words

As expats or foreign buyers, remember that regulations and market conditions can change, so staying informed and seeking professional advice throughout the process is vital to a successful property investment in Australia.