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Tips for boosting the value of your home


Whether you are planning to sell your home in the near future or want to take steps to boost its value over time, there are plenty of ways to achieve your goal. While some of the bigger potential renovations – such as adding on a conservatory, for example – are often value-boosters, it is also possible to create significant value change on aggregate by making lots of smaller renovation choices. From installing new window coverings to updating your kitchen, renovations such as these need not break the bank.


When it comes to the kitchen, there are plenty of small decor changes that you can make to raise its value. Installing a chrome backsplash around the sink is a handy way of reducing the risk of tile damage while also making your kitchen look a bit more modern. You can update a kitchen with a farmhouse aesthetic or a slightly older appearance, meanwhile, with a splash of paint in a suitable color such as baby blue. 


Depending on what your goals are, there are several different routes that you can take when it comes to renovating a bedroom. If you are looking to create a fashionable shabby chic effect, for example, then you may find it best to get some standalone, claw-footed wardrobes in place. Fitted wardrobes with mirrors for doors are most suitable for a modern or minimalist esthetic.

The bedroom windows are where you can really make your mark regarding the way that your home’s value performs. Bedroom windows are ideally suited to fashionable DIY shutters because they allow you to take charge of how much light flows in and out, so you can get just the right amount for everything from reading to sleeping. Potential buyers may be visiting houses with boring, heavy curtains or standard drab grey blinds, but you can make yours really stand out with a slightly more unusual window covering choice.

Living spaces

Nobody likes stuffy, old-fashioned living spaces, so it is important to make sure that any living rooms or dens in your house look inviting as well as feel comfortable. A thin modern fireplace integrated into the walls is a good design choice, while adding a wood-burning stove in a retro house is an ideal way to provide value. In terms of the colors that you use to paint your living room walls, you could consider relaxing hues such as blues, grey and teals to create an ambient atmosphere. While a feature wall (where one wall is decorated in a different way than the other three) can be a real talking point, it is something that is often very much a matter of personal taste. Keep in mind that including a feature wall could end up being a value-killer rather than a value-booster.

The living spaces of your home are where you can create a tech-focused area. While you will likely want to take your TV with you when you move out, you might consider integrating a surround-sound or speaker system into the walls and ceiling in order to give a room something a little more special when it comes to sale time.


Bathrooms might be the least visible part of many properties, but for a lot of buyers, they are one of the most important. If you have the space, then it may well be worth considering installing a separate walk-in shower in addition to a bath, as this extra touch can be a real value-booster. Sometimes, people use a nearby cupboard to create the space for a shower, so this is also worth thinking about. If you are hoping to turn your home into a luxury-style property prior to the sale, then opting for a jacuzzi-style bath may be a great way to give the room a fashionable and relaxing “bathroom spa” vibe.

If you are looking to upgrade your home’s appearance and decor in advance of a sale, then one way to do this is to make small changes over time rather than a large adjustment all at once. The advantages of taking this approach are numerous. Not only does it mean that you do not have to worry about investing a great deal of cash into huge projects such as extensions, but it also allows you to get your home ready for a sale in a manageable way. Whether you choose to revolutionize your windows or simply add a splash of paint to your kitchen, there are many methods available to you.