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The Quickest Way To Prepare Your House For Sale

sell your home tips

Are you thinking about selling your home? It can be an exciting time, but it can also be stressful.

Preparing your home for sale is a crucial step in the selling process. A well-prepared home can attract more potential buyers and often sell faster.

However, much must be done to encourage more buyers to view your property and put in an offer; you will need to pull out all the stops to impress.

How can you make sure your home presents well to potential buyers? Here are our top tips.

Clear The Clutter

The first thing you should do to prepare your home for sale is to eliminate any mess or clutter in each room. Nobody wants to wade through mounds of piled-up mail or odds and ends in corners when they come to view your home.

Throw away anything you no longer need, then tidy up any remaining items into boxes, baskets or drawers. This will ensure that surfaces and floors are evident when people look at your home.

Get Rid Of Personal Items

Although you don’t need to get rid of everything that pertains to you and your family before people come around to view your home, it makes sense to get rid of excess personal items like clothing and toys. Family photos can work if there are one or two stylishly framed.

However, if the entire mantelpiece and all the walls are full of photos of you and your children, it becomes tough for potential buyers to imagine themselves living in your home.

Less is more.

Repair or Replace?

Get a handyperson to quote on repairs or replacement of appliances and infrastructure. For example, you don’t want leaks, broken lights, or an oven that has seen better days. The same goes for window fittings; check every window, and choose an eco-friendly option when you choose to replace items.

It’s hard to present older homes as environmentally friendly. Replacing bulbs with LEDs is one way to give a more energy-efficient home.

Fix any noticeable issues, such as leaky faucets, broken tiles, or cracked walls. Address any potential red flags that could be discovered during a home inspection.


Go Neutral

Although it’s never wise to go all out with a complete interior makeover in preparation for selling your property, there are a few things which you should do. One is to rethink any flamboyant paint schemes. While you may love your hot pink bedroom or orange kitchen, it’s unlikely that many potential buyers will share your enthusiasm.

The best approach is to prepare each room with a neutral coat of paint for visitors.

Whites, beiges, creams and soft greys are all attractive and appealing to potential buyers since they can pair them with accessories and furniture of their own choice. They won’t need to rush into redecorating immediately, making your home a better proposition. Also, when you’ve just painted your house, it smells good and has a stylish, fresh look, attracting buyers.

Top Tip

Replace all light fixtures, including shades, bulbs and switches. Nothing screams outdated and tired more than old light fittings. Keep the style modern but neutral for prospective buyers.

Remember Kerb Appeal

Before potential buyers even enter your home, they are creating an impression about whether or not your house could be the right choice for them based on the exterior of your property. Think about how your front yard and driveway are looking. Tidy up any overgrown shrubs and mow the front lawn.

Tidy up the driveway, using a pressure washer if necessary, and cut back any overgrown bushes or trees. Make sure that your front door looks clean and tidy. You may want to give it a fresh coat of paint or even update the hardware to make it look more modern. Consider hanging some baskets of flowers at the doorway or adding a couple of potted plants to add even more aesthetic appeal.

Cleanliness Is Key

You’ve decluttered and cleaned surfaces before painting them; however, you’re not finished with cleaning yet.

Clean every room thoroughly, including carpets, windows, and appliances. Some often-forgotten areas you need to clean include:

  • Light switches and shades
  • Window coverings
  • Wall hangings, including picture frames and artwork
  • Doors

Pay special attention to kitchens and bathrooms, as these areas can significantly influence a buyer’s decision. Eliminate any unpleasant smells, such as pet odours or cooking smells. Consider using air fresheners or baking soda to neutralize odours.

Before anyone arrives to view your property, give the whole house a once-over for cleanliness. You want to give the right impression from the start, so make sure that the floors and surfaces are spotless and that the bathroom is grime, mould-free and smells good.

Use a good cleaning product to help remove stains from your kitchen sink, faucet, countertops, and appliances such as your oven. You should also ensure that your carpets have been professionally cleaned and smelled good.

Stage It

Give potential buyers the right impression about your property from the moment they walk through the door, and you can be sure you’ll receive an offer before you know it! Arrange furniture to highlight the best features of each room.

Consider hiring a professional stager if you want to maximise the sale price. Professional stagers know how to ‘sell the dream’ so buyers can visualise living in your home.


If you’re managing the staging – ensure all rooms are well-lit. Replace bulbs, open curtains, and let in natural light.