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The Impact of Minimalist Interiors on the Resale Value of Homes

minimalist home

Minimalist design, characterized by clean lines, neutral color palettes, and limited ornamentation, has shown a measurable influence on the resale value of homes.

Notably, minimalist interiors can add 5% to 10% to a property’s value. This is a design style that attracts a broad market due to its simplicity and functionality.

The appeal lies in the unadorned aesthetics and the ability of potential buyers to envision their decor within the space, making the property more attractive and easier to sell.  There is also a belief that in simplicity comes a sense of calm. 

A home with less stuff can act to declutter the mind.   The same is said for colors.  Soft hues, muted grays, and earthy tones instill peace.

A survey conducted by Hammonds Furniture indicated that minimalist decor is highly favored among home buyers. Specifically, 12% of individuals aged 18-24 expressed willingness to offer up to £10,000 above the asking price for homes with minimalist interiors.

This demographic’s preference is driven by the clean, uncluttered appearance of minimalist design, which facilitates an easier visualization of themselves living in the space. This underscores that younger buyers are inclined towards homes with minimalist attributes due to their perceived ease of personalization.

Influence on High-Profile Homes

Minimalism’s influence extends beyond average buyers to the domain of high-profile properties. For instance, the home of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian was transformed into a $20 million “minimal monastery.” This renovation exemplified how minimalist designs could substantially enhance a property’s worth.

Properties associated with high-profile figures often see increased value and marketability when remodeled with minimalist interiors.

Minimalist interiors

Similarly, homes that incorporate minimalist interiors with features such as spacious kitchens, hardwood floors, and well-maintained outdoor spaces can experience an increase in value by up to 12%.

The ultra-wealthy prefer minimalism because it brings elegance and sophistication, allowing unique architectural features to be more prominent. This trend highlights that minimalist interiors can yield high returns on investment, particularly in properties that already command substantial market interest.

Perceptions of Spaciousness and Functionality

Research into minimalist design principles reveals that decluttering and neutral color usage contribute to a home’s perceived spaciousness and functionality. This perception can lead to higher offers from potential buyers, as the ease of moving into an organized, aesthetically pleasing space is highly valued.

Additionally, minimalist homes often boast ample natural light and open floor plans, enhancing their appeal and market value.


Statistics indicate that homes with minimalist interiors sell more quickly and at higher prices than those with more personalized or cluttered designs.

Increase property value

One study noted that simple interior decor could increase a property’s value by around 5% to 10%, making it a prudent investment for homeowners planning to sell. Such statistics are particularly relevant in the current market, where functionality and aesthetic appeal are paramount to buyers.

Minimalism aligns with market expectations, aligning ease of decor transition and low maintenance, fostering quicker transactions and often higher final sale prices.

The appeal of minimalist interiors is also anchored in the fact that they are easier to maintain and keep clean, an effective selling point for many buyers.

Homes characterized by minimalism tend to look more orderly, presenting a well-cared-for image that is attractive to potential buyers. This trend is not confined to younger buyers but extends to various demographics who value the practical benefits of minimalist design.

Market Trends and Statistical Evidence

Evidence from market trends and property values from a home value calculator suggests that minimalist interiors remain favorable among buyers across different demographic groups.

The clean, uncluttered spaces typical of minimalist design resonate with individuals who prioritize ease of moving in and immediate habitability.

Furthermore, minimalist decor’s appeal extends to those who see value in a home that requires minimal initial personalization, as this reduces the time and monetary investment required post-purchase.

These preferences align with findings that homes featuring minimalist design principles are more likely to attract competitive offers. For instance, properties with minimalist kitchens, neutral-toned living spaces, and clutter-free bedrooms tend to generate higher buyer interest.

Buyers are willing to pay a premium for such spaces’ predictability and canvas-like potential, allowing for easier post-purchase customization.

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