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How to transform the exterior of your property


If you are currently unsatisfied with your home, you should be on the lookout for opportunities to make improvements. Instead of making do with a substandard living space, it is essential that you are both pleased and proud of your property. If you are wondering where to begin your transformation, why not start with the exterior of your home? This is the first thing that your guests will see when they pull up on your street. It is also something that you are faced with on a daily basis, which is why you should do everything in your power to enhance the exterior of your property. Below are four steps that will help you to complete this process.

Evaluate and update your roof

When was the last time you stood back and really evaluated your roof? It’s important to check your roof, especially after a hard winter. Updating your roof could be a large job, so it is important that you tackle it first. Whether you require a few repairs or a complete replacement, your roof is not something to ignore. It is also an area of your property where you don’t want to be cutting corners. In fact, you need to work with a company of roof experts that will offer you an extremely high-quality service. Luckily, you can find just what you are looking for by reaching out to JR & CO. They will help you to power through your project to achieve incredible results.

Create a clear pathway to your front door

If you have a lot of green space in your front yard, creating a clear pathway to your front door could involve grabbing your gardening gloves, your hedge trimmers, and your lawnmower. However, even if you have quite a small and simple front yard, it is still possible that there are trip hazards blocking your home. Perhaps you have little ones who always leave their toys out. Or, maybe your vehicle is parked at an awkward angle. Whatever the case, you need to make sure that you clear the pathway immediately. You should also look into laying down a formal path and marking the edges with small shrubs or a floral border.

Add plenty of flowers and plants

If you don’t have space for a floral border by your path, you will need to find other ways to include flowers and plants in your outside space. It could involve anything from creating your own window boxes to planting a selection of raised beds. Although this will require a lot of work on your part, all of your efforts will be worth it in the end. The more flora and fauna you have, the more attractive and inviting your property will be.

Clean your windows and doors

Finally, you should get to work cleaning your windows and doors. Again this will require a lot of effort, but it is a brilliant way for you to give your property a facelift. Furthermore, if you manage to get your loved ones on side, it is possible for you to complete this project in under a day. Alternatively, you could save yourself the hassle by hiring a professional window cleaner and asking them to return to your home every few weeks. This could be a quick and easy opportunity for you to invest in your property and its overall aesthetic.