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How Social Media Can Help Sell Your Home

social media marketing for selling real estate

Digital marketing, including social media, is how real estate agents and realtors sell their client’s homes.

Once dominant, traditional marketing, like yard signs and open houses, has ceded ground to the potential of a well-crafted online approach.

According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), social media is the best source for generating leads.

About four billion active users are on different social media platforms every month. Therefore, it’s unsurprising how effective online platforms are in the real estate sector.

This extensive guide explores eight ways digital channels can boost your property sales.

Reach More Serious Buyers

The effectiveness of social media as a marketing tool lies in its ability to target people who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer. Traditional marketing methods are often sent to a mass audience who may or may not be looking for a home currently.

Social media marketing, however, allows you to narrow in on a more specific audience that is looking to buy property. Additionally, other people can easily share your social media posts, making reaching a bigger audience easier.

Takes Advantage of Video

The popularity of social media platforms lies mainly in their ability to incorporate visuals and videos. Anyone interested in buying a home wants to know what they are getting and social media allows them to access this information even from afar. You can quickly post a photo video tour of your property.

Videos are captivating for home buyers and often work better than photographs since they give the buyer a glimpse into the natural appearance of the property and its layout.

When sharing videos of your home, show every detail, even if your home needs repairs and upgrades. Even if your home is old, tired, and not in ideal condition, using a mix of marketing, including social media, you can find home buyers who can help you close the sale fast regardless of the condition.

Remember, being upfront with the faults makes it easier to attract genuinely interested buyers, which is where video is ideal.

Hashtags Help You Get Discovered

Put, hashtags are words following the hash symbol. They allow social media users to find specific topics they are interested in. When you upload images of your home on social media and include key hashtags, you make it easier for interested parties to find the property.


You can use general hashtags to appeal to a broader audience. You can also be more specific with your choice of hashtags by adding your neighborhood and type of home to reach a more specific audience.

You Can Post Often

Other marketing methods require you to pay a fee for your home to get out there. However, social media is totally free so you can post as much as you want. This makes it easy to stay on top of the search results every time a potential buyer searches for a property. Most listing sites and platforms rank the most recently posted homes at the top of the search results.

If your property has been listed for a few weeks, it may appear lower in the search results. On social media, however, you can post your home every day or as often as you like, so you can always appear at the top of the search results.

You Can Speak Directly With a Buyer

One of the biggest challenges when selling a home is that you have to go through intermediaries and go-betweens to reach an agreement with a buyer.

In most cases, you must work with a real estate agent to link you with a buyer and handle the process for both parties at a fee. This can be a problem if you want to get top dollar or sell your home fast.

Social media allows a potential buyer to contact you directly and ask questions about the property. This makes it easier to establish a connection with the buyer and answer any questions they may have. You can freely talk about any necessary repairs and renovations and express the uniqueness of your property so you can get a fair offer.

You Can Post Your Home Before It Is Listed

The listing process can take days, if not weeks, which may slow you down if you are in a hurry to sell your home. Social media lets you give potential buyers a sneak peek of the property before listing.

Even better, social media platforms can get you a few early showings or a sale before you get the property listed. It is a great way to spark excitement and promote your house. If you are lucky, it could start a bidding war, meaning you get to make more money from the sale than you would.

You Can Leverage Your Network

Selling your home the traditional way means you must trust your realtor to get your house out there and return with a reasonable offer. Since they have to work with many other sellers, your home may not receive the attention it needs to attract buyers.

Social media platforms make spreading the word about your home easy since you can get your friends to share your post. You can even find social media influencers with a bigger audience who could share your post for a fee. The more people share, the bigger the audience you get.

You Don’t Need a Realtor

Selling your home through a realtor comes with its benefits, but it also has many disadvantages. First, they get to earn a commission from the money they make from the sale, and you end up getting less. The process also takes longer to complete as there is a lot of paperwork to complete.

However, if you choose the “For Sale By Owner” route and take advantage of social media, you could get a buyer without needing to work with a realtor. You can offer virtual tours and share information about the property with interested buyers without paying a professional to do it for you.



With the advent of the internet and social media, you can use these tools to sell your house. With these eight examples, you know how potent social media can be as a tool when you need to sell your home. Always be honest, respectful, and open when engaging with interested buyers on social media.