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Big House? How A Dumbwaiter Makes Life Easy & Increases Value

dumbwaiters in UK homes

Getting chores done and managing space efficiently can be challenging for owners of large homes or properties over many floors.  Enter the ‘dumbwaiter.’

It’s an often overlooked solution, yet the benefits of a dumbwaiter are irrefutable. Not only does a dumbwaiter improve safety, but it also speeds up housekeeping, improves storage, and enhances property value.

This article explores how dumbwaiters have remained relevant over their long history and the benefits of investing in one to simplify daily tasks while boosting the home’s market value.

The Humble Dumbwaiter

What is a dumbwaiter? A dumbwaiter is a type of small freight elevator that is designed to transport objects instead of people.

Dumbwaiters have a long history—over centuries. They date back to Greek, Roman, and Egyptian civilizations, the earliest period of using mechanical lifting tools to move goods.

From medieval Europe to the 20th Century, dumbwaiters were found in castles and large mansions.

Today, technology and building design have reduced the need for dumbwaiters in many residential properties. However, they are still used extensively in commercial establishments like restaurants and libraries to move items between floors safely. Furthermore, they are now electric.

The Benefits of Dumbwaiters

The benefits of dumbwaiters should not be underestimated, from sheer convenience to improving health and safety.

1. Ease of Daily Chores

Dumbwaiters improve health and safety in the workplace and at home. For example, carrying laundry, groceries, dishes, and other household items across multiple floors can be difficult in homes of two or more floors. Dumbwaiters simplify these tasks by providing an easy way to transport items.

2. Enhancing Home Safety

Safety in the home is vital, especially for young children. For example, dumbwaiters can transport cleaning products between floors, reducing the possibility of dangerous chemicals lying around and in the reach of young children.

Dumbwaiters also enhance home safety by reducing the risks of carrying heavy or bulky items up and down stairs. For older people, the lack of need to manually transport items can decrease the likelihood of falls and injuries, making the home safer for everyone.

Dumbwaiters contribute to a safer living environment by reducing the risk of accidents and injuries associated with heavy loads on stairs.


Did you know modern dumbwaiters have safety features such as interlocks and sensors? They’re like vehicles with sensors everywhere.

3. Maximizing Space

What is often overloaded as a benefit of a dumbwaiter in the home is it can help maximize space. The shaft for the dumbwaiter takes up much less space than, say, a traditional internal lift.

Additionally, storage can be kept where it is most convenient, so if that is on the top floor or basement, so be it. The dumbwaiter can transport items to the other floors when needed, so there is no inconvenience.

4. Increasing Property Value

Installing a dumbwaiter can significantly increase a home’s market appeal and value. Homes with unique features that improve liveability stand out in the real estate market.

A dumbwaiter is an attractive feature for potential buyers looking for homes that offer convenience and accessibility, making it a wise investment for homeowners looking to sell in the future.

Choosing the Right Dumbwaiter

When considering installing a dumbwaiter, it is essential to choose the right system that fits your home’s specific needs and layout.

Factors to consider include the dumbwaiter’s size, weight capacity, and safety features. For homeowners looking for reliable service lifts, exploring options available at specialized providers can ensure they select a high-quality solution tailored to their home’s design and usage requirements.

Compliance  and Installation Considerations

Considering the legal and installation aspects of adding a dumbwaiter to your home is crucial. Choose a dumbwaiter that has a certificate of compliance.

Professional installation by certified technicians, like those from SD Lifts, is essential for ensuring that the dumbwaiter complies with local building codes and safety standards. Furthermore, regular maintenance checks are also necessary to keep the system running smoothly and safely.

Choose a lift provider who can also handle your dumbwaiter’s scheduled maintenance.

Integration with Home Design

Modern dumbwaiters are designed with aesthetics and can be integrated into the home without disrupting its interior design. They can be custom-built to match cabinetry or hidden behind walls, making them functional and discreet.

Sustainable Home Practices

Using a dumbwaiter can also contribute to more sustainable home practices. Homeowners can decrease energy usage and increase efficiency by reducing the frequency and need for physically transporting items across floors, particularly in multi-story homes. Plus, as they are electric, it won’t be long before you can use your solar power to run them sustainably.



Dumbwaiters have been used in commercial buildings for centuries. Today, it’s fair to say that businesses are still enjoying them.

With many residential properties in the UK and Europe spread over many floors, the humble dumbwaiter is making a comeback.

A dumbwaiter is a practical investment, as it improves safety, convenience, and no doubt market value too.

By choosing the right system and ensuring professional installation, homeowners can enjoy the myriad benefits of dumbwaiters, making their homes more functional and safe, and when it is time to sell, they will be more appealing to future buyers.