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How a Tiny Termite Can Have a Huge Impact On Your Property Value


Termites are more than your average pest. A single termite might be very small, but it is a sign of a much bigger problem that can wreak havoc on your home as well as your bank balance. Termites are well known to often cause severe and extensive damage. This damage not only ruins the quality of your home, but it also has a big impact on your property value. The most sobering news is, most homeowners don’t even realize their home may have termites until receiving a formal inspection report or the damage is discovered by chance.

As a homeowner, you should be proactive about keeping harmful pests away from your home to ensure you fully retain the value in your property.

In this guide termite inspectors from a Sydney based pest control company, explain what is the real and true cost of a termite infestation, the damage it can cause, as well as things you can do to protect what is your biggest asset, your home.

Termite Damage

The extent of the damage termites can do is not always fully visible, as it is often hidden in  concealed wooden frames. Termites destroy the structural integrity of a house by hollowing wood from the inside out. Not only can this create safety concerns, but also this can force the homeowner to have expensive repairs carried out.

The extent of the damage will also depend greatly on the termite species, size of the termite colony and most importantly on the length of time they have been infesting a home. While all termites feed on wood, some of the termite types and species are more destructive than others. For instance, a large colony of  subterranean termites  can cause considerable amount of damage in a very short period of time. The most destructive species of termite is thought to be the formosan termites. These termites can cause severe structural damage to a home in only a few months.

The True Cost Of A Termite Infestation

Termite treatments and damage repairs alone can cost the homeowner a lot of money, but the expense doesn’t just end there. Having a history of termite damage and treatment listed on a house, will decrease the overall resale value of the property, especially in a house where multiple termite infestations have occurred. It can also drive the genuine buyers away, as many of them will simply walk away not willing to take a chance. The risk of not knowing the real extent of possible structural termite damage, the unknown cost of the termite damage repairs and the negative influence it all can have on the value of that property is often too overwhelming for many home purchasers.

Termite Damage Insurance

If losing a genuine buyer isn’t bad enough and this may be worthwhile remembering. Should you ever find yourself facing exorbitant termite treatment and damage repair costs, sadly you would have to pay for it out of your own pocket. Unfortunately, home insurance does not cover termite damage. This is simply because termite damage is not considered an unexpected or sudden event. Termite damage is preventable through proper home maintenance, regular inspections and pest control.

Protect Your Property Value

Now that you know the negative effects a termite infestation can have on your property value, you will want to be proactive about protecting your home. How can you keep your home termite free year-round? There are warning signs to look out for in your own home that might tip you off to the existence of a termite problem:

  • Tunnels in the soil or dirt around your home
  • Termite droppings (known as frass) located around your home or outside your home
  • Termite wings discarded in or around your home
  • Sagging floors or hollow wood
  • Tree nests near your home

If you notice any of these above mentioned signs, it may be high time to call your local pest control professional. The most effective way to prevent a termite infestation  in your home is to simply carry out an appropriate treatment followed by regular inspections.  A pest control specialist can regularly monitor your home for signs of termites before damage occurs.

What To Do If Your Home Has Already Been Treated

If you have already treated your home for termites you should be still concerned about your property value. When selling your home you will need to be upfront about the termite history. You can ease potential homebuyers minds by providing a copy of a recent termite inspection report and all-clear certificate by a termite professional. This will help to maintain your property value as long as you have continued to have a regular termite inspection of your home after the initial treatment.

Is your home protected against termites? No matter where you live or the time of year, it’s worth using a professional to ensure your home is protected against pests.