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Closing More Deals: 7 Elements No Effective Real Estate Website Should Be Without

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Real estate sales can be a satisfying and lucrative career, but it is also highly competitive.

Sellers and buyers both want to score the best deal possible, and realtors are usually caught in the crossfire trying to make a deal. And the most crucial first step is to get customers coming to you instead of your competitors in the first place, and this is why your real estate website is crucial.

To attract more business to your page, here are seven elements that make up an effective real estate website.

7 Parts of Your Real Estate Website You Can’t Afford to Leave Out

1. Your company’s name and brand.

Your company’s name needs to be upfront and centre on your page, and your logo should be in the top left corner, according to research. The color stands out better than black and white, but make sure the font you use in your logo and on your page is clean and readable.

2. Easy navigation.

The goal of your site is obviously to let visitors find their way around your page and to head them towards specific pages that you want them to see. These would be your “call to action” pages and contact pages, usually. Navigation that is confusing, overloaded, and wordy turns people away. Don’t overload your main navigation bar, either.

3. Call to action.

The top left of your page is your logo, but the top left needs to tell visitors what they need to do next in marketing this is your “call to action,” where you lead them to the information they need to track you down and sell or buy a home. The easier this is to find, the more likely you are to have the visitor use you as their realtor.

4. Graphics.

Your main graphic should support your idea of real estate and how professional you are. Graphics are important as a selling point but don’t overload your site with them. It slows the page down and can bog down a slow server, causing users to click out of your site instead of waiting for the graphics to load.

5. Headings and subheadings.

You might have the most amazing content on your page that any realtor in the history of realtors has ever posted, but without using a headline to draw the reader’s eyes to your article, it is simply taking up space. Use strong, bold headings that aren’t too lengthy, and use subheadings with SEO-infused wording and phrases.

6. An offer.

Use an offer as your carrot, to get you their contact info. Offers can be anything from a free information kit for sellers or buyers or a complete list of your homes for sale. This is a great way to generate leads.

7. Contact forms.

Collecting contact information from your site’s visitors is important, and contact forms are the easiest way to do this. Since the majority of sales don’t occur until somewhere around the tenth actual contact, using a form to collect, store and sort data is another way to generate leads and use them to your optimal potential.

Make Your Site Count

Check out your competitors’ sites and see what they offer, then use these seven elements to make your site even better than theirs!

Clean, precise information, easy navigation, and professionalism are the keys to your successful real estate website.


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